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"На главную"

Интервью с Полом Донованом
журнал TV Zone 15 февраля 2000 № 124

английский вариант интервью


As LEXX reaches Season Three, we sent Paul Spragg off to meet its producer/creator. Paul Donovan talks about the happenings on Fire and Water…

I was deep in thought trying to come up with some searching questions for LEXX creator-producer-writer-director Paul Donovan when I looked up and found inspiration. The bus was passing a billboard advertising TCP, and the slogan was ‘Tastes as foul today as it always has’. Aside from providing a chuckle, it made me think that maybe the LEXX writers work on similar thoughts. But we’ll get to that later.

Paul Spragg

© LEXX - LIGHT ZONE 2005 HELEN & Trulyalyana

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